
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Elaborate UI, Feeble App

A pet peeve of mine is the tendency of apps to have elaborate User Interfaces (UIs) but feeble capability.

I call the UI "the front end" and the other part "the back end." Once upon a time, the back end was where all the magic happened. Where we put our effort. Now, it seems, the pendulum has swung the other way and all the work seems to go into the front ends.

(There is an analogy to our celebrity culture in there somewhere.)

Specifically, I find many apps with elaborate UIs which just don't do all the things one would expect such an app to do. Generally users just shrug: it would be great if it worked that way, they sigh, but it doesn't.

For example, I recently was debugging an interface to a medical information system. I asked the users to verify the data for a given patient on a given day. They asked if I couldn't provide encounter IDs instead. Couldn't they use the app to search for the data in question? No, they could not. Instead, they could use an elaborate GUI to laborious click on all the little icons which represented encounters, scan the cramped screen for the data, and repeat the process until they found what I was looking for. Blech.

While lacking functionality, the UI for each of these same apps is full of bells and whistles: backgrounds that change color when the control has focus, lots of different fonts, dynamically created drop-down list boxes, etc. In fact, one requires a mighty desktop just to run the UI.

My theory is that today's typical GUI is so much work to build that development teams just run out of steam before tackling the functionality.

I have noticed that many current development environments encourage this: Visual C++, for instance, has a development environment that is a GUI, is about GUIs and is not so great for doing other kinds of programming, such as bit-bashing or file manipulation.

I understand how one might arrive at this point: using X-windows and ANSI C in the 1980s was exactly the opposite: the environment did little to support GUI generation and putting GUIs together in that era was painful. So we tended to be modest in our GUI ambitions.

With this generation of development environments has come a melding of front and back ends: you write the front end and the back end gets written in bits and pieces to drive the front end. This makes the distinction between front and back end difficult to maintain, which in turn leads to back ends which are amorphous--and difficult to test (how do you run 1,000 cases?) or to use automatically (how do you call the app automatically from the background?).

In fact, there is rarely more than one front end for any app: if you don't want to use the app interactively in a graphical environment, you are usually out of luck.

The only exception I see to this trend is the plastering of a thin GUI wrapper on something mighty, such as phpMyAdmin for MySQL, or GhostView for Ghostscript. I rather like these apps, but they could not avoid what I consider to be a solid architecture: there is a clean division between the front and the back because the front was done after the fact, by different people at a different time.

This split front vs back end gives the user real flexibility: one can use a command line interface, or choose from a variety of GUIs. Running through many test cases is easy. Running automatically is easy. Why don't more development teams build apps this way?

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