
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I want a soapbox from which to rant about technical matters I encounter in my day job, as a medical information systems creator.

Ideally, from my perspective, this soapbox would be free and easy to use and would not involve social media. After all, if my friends were interested in my ranting, I would not need this outlet in the first place.

Ideally, from your perspective, these rants would be interesting, useful, amusing or--at least theoretically--all three.

Being a soapbox, I would not be required to be formal, businesslike or even fair. You, the reader, would understand that I am not engaging in formal discourse. Although this is public discourse, which is a bit strange. I am hoping that this blog on venerable old Blogspot will fit this bill.

So what do use for a title? Well, I am certainly inclined toward grumpiness, at least professionally; by tech standards I am rather aged (I remember when these were called "web logs" before that became just too much work to say); I work in the business world and most of my work is in information technology, so I am going with "Grumpy Old Business IT".

My intention is to generate a weekly post on Wednesdays. We will see if, in a couple of years, I actually made it past the first month.

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